Going in for Yoga since 1984 round o’clock I have come to the conclusion, better to say: I HAVE MADE A GREATEST DISCOVERY IN MAN’S LIFE.
You know very well that everybody is disease full now, even a little child and a baby. Medicine is not through in this line. Tablets, biochemical, injections and even surgery do not help and never can help man to be absolutely healthy, wealthy and wise, but YOGA DOES!
Do you know why? You’ll never know, until I’ll tell you what is what.
You know by great Russian writer fighter N. Ostrovsky that:
“Man’s dearest possession is life and he must live it so as to feel no torturing, regrets for wasted years never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past. So live that dyeing he might say: ”All my life, all my strength were given for the finest course of a mean and petty past…””
Once again you know that medicine is developing day by day. It is doing unbelievable surgery, making discovery after discovery, helping people in their critical situations of their diseases, but temporarily. Hospitals are full of sick people, they are increasing, and they are not reducing, because patients are becoming more and more. Nowadays there’s no a healthy man or a woman, even infants and youth. Tablets are produced more and more. On every step there are chemist’s chops…. Both medicine and disease are progressing, developing overwhelmingly.
-Tell me why? You see you can’t answer this question either.
More questions:
-Are emergent nations happy enough? Does the development of their countries bring them happiness?
-Does the developed medicine make man (peoples) happy?
-What is happiness you understand?
-Is it to have much money and be rich enough?
-NO, NO, NO! NEVER!!! – Are you agree with me now?
-If one is rich, but not healthy, is he/she happy?
-NEVER!!! – Again you are agreeing with me. Because Happiness comes through totally healthy body. You know this very well either!
-But how to achieve it?
It is easy if you are a conscious man and educated by Yoga Philosophy and its Practical Activity (Hatha-Yoga). It has the History of existence 5 000 years in written, but it was existing orally since the Man’s initial life activity on Earth. It was given to Man by GOD. Since YOGA appeared on Earth it is decreasing patients and diseases day after day, year after year! It is decreasing the man’s diseases to zero making him happy enough! It has no hospitals, no chemist’s chops (drug-stores), and no tablets. It says that the greatest chemist’s chop is in the body of every individual. One must find it (open its doors) by Yoga activities and use it for the benefit of one’s body. Finding comes through Yoga Knowledge and its everyday training practice.
-Do you know why illness (disease) does not disappear by medical attempts at all? – Again you don’t know, I believe.
Again and again you can’t answer the questions after questions because you are illiterate in these matters. If you can’t answer any question, what for do you live then? Is it for your mechanically existing, eating and dyeing in a short span of lifetime?
-Do you know how many years live bacterium of illness (disease) in the body?
-3 milliards (billions) of years! They are older than Man on Earth. They are not being killed by chemicals at all. They are not conquered by medicine yet and they wouldn’t be conquered because for such a long lifespan they have produced the immunity against any medical drug.
It was openly declared by a chief doctor of England. Constantine Severinov (USA) told the same. Bacterium has the oldest form of life. By antibiotics (tablets, chemicals) medicine can’t kill them because it doesn’t know the oldest mystery (secret) of bacterium life. They live as Darvin said:
“Evolution becomes because of selection of the most adapted (time-serving)”. As a result, they become super bacterium, against which “there is no way out”, – says modern medicine.
-THERE IS! – says the oldest and eldest YOGA!!!
-You come to our Yoga Session Centre and you’ll be saved forever!!!
Don’t lose your chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guru yogishwranandA WILL DO ALL HIS BEST:
HE Will do his miracles for your benefit AND YOUR REMEDY in a short span of time. He will press one point of your body and you are saved forever. It takes very little time and you will be joined to macrocosms. Micro and micro are joined together. That’s all the secret! You will be a part of Cosmos which will gard you all the time and no illness, no oldness, no death for A short span of time!
P. S.: About bacterium look at the Russian newspaper “Arguments & Facts”, No. 13 (1670), March, 2013 international.
«AIF» in Internet:
P. S.: The bacterium enters our body by the water we drink first of all, if it is not technically by special machine cleaned! To be well enough one must drink only cleaned water!