What is a human being? – It is a being that consists of a complex material body, a spiritual body and a highly developed soul. The human body eats the house of the soul. It’s a complex unified complex, reincarnated over the centuries, which has reached its culminating stage of development. In this stage, man is capable of anything if he stands on a pedestal of honour without without engaging in sinful activities.
When one wants to achieve something and trains his desire with purpose, he is capable of performing a miracle. Desire and aspiration are trained almost like muscles.
When desire takes possession of a person, the body begins to obey, to respond with obedience to attention to itself. This is the response of love to love.
Any movement in his body, a man should scrutinize carefully, not to let anything pass without attention. In this way, day by day, a man will learn to manage his own problems of the material and spiritual bodies without needing outside help. Any disease, in this way, is eliminated without medicines and medical help. Man himself comes out of chronic diseases by means of great inner forces, and all outside help is the key that triggers the mechanism of recovery. Above all, and above all, in recovery, the great incentive is human autonomy and deep faith in the work of self-healing, faith in one’s own strength, faith in oneself, God in oneself and oneself in God.
This work can be learnt by practicing a particular system of Yoga. What is this system? Yoga eats the original knowledge of Right Livelihood (RL). It is the union of the soul and the body. When there is a balance between body and soul, there is nothing to fear about bad consequences. By doing Yoga, a person changes, becomes kinder, nicer, calmer. If a man is old, he becomes younger, grey hair turns black, wrinkles disappear, baldness grows hair.
Now man has forgotten his original purpose: to be independent, omniscient, omnipotent and to live a long life without ailments. In the beginning (in ancient times) he did not need outside help.
Now, since childhood, when a person is sick, he does not think about what he is treated with in case of diseases, and an adult, without thinking, swallows all the prescribed by doctors and healers medication, thinking it will help him\her. On the recommendation of friends, acquaintances and healers, he swallows herbs, infusions, folk remedies. So, he gets knocked off his feet in pursuit of the latest and ‘miracle’ remedies. Thus, he pollutes, poisons his organism with ballast of slags, i.e. substances, unsuitable nutritive materials.
In case of serious illnesses, a person takes endless analyses. His relatives, colleagues, friends sympathies and pity him. The person waits to see if the treatment will help or not better or worse, what else can prescribe the doctor, when it seems to have tried everything? Finally, the person feels sorry for himself, sympathizes with himself, saying how unfortunate he is, how unlucky he is in his\her life….
Meanwhile, the ailment grows into a chronic disease and there is a habit to feel and feel hopelessly ill person, dependent on medicines, doctors, weather, etc. In the end, a person resigns, submits to it and simply cannot imagine himself any other way, resigns himself to his fate and thus waits for the demise….. At the same time, he/she does not think for a moment about what mainly leads him/her to this state? He/she does not think about the words of the sages: ‘We are what we consume’, i.e. we do not think about the most important thing – meat and dairy products, without which we cannot live, and all the Evil lies in them, which we will discuss in detail in our book.
A sane man, in such cases, does not surrender to the circumstance that has happened to him. He keeps searching and asking himself a question: is there really no other way (way out)? What was and is my mistake? Why is it impossible to live without diseases?
All the best is learnt in comparison. Let us look at Nature. What does an animal do when it is sick? In such cases, the animal is completely on its own and doesn’t consult with anyone and consults no one. Every animal is its own doctor and healer. In case of diseases, the animal knows what to do: it fasts, drinks water, eats herbs known to it, as a result of which, after a few days, it recovers. In such cases he is told by instinct what he should and should not do. He does not violate his inner prompting. Thus, he overcomes any ailment of his body by himself. Once my pet dog got sick and stopped eating – starved himself for about 10 days. Pitying threw to him a piece of fresh meat. It did not even sniff it… .
And as for man, he has moved far away from Nature and at the first ailment, he hopes for help from outside, than he is deeply mistaken.
In the times of the Union, the most authoritative and world-famous doctors Mirzokarim Norbekov and Larisa Fotina in their joint book ‘Bring back health and youth’ wrote:
‘What do people do?
We hope for help from the outside, take medicines, even knowing that any medicine, created artificially, is always inferior, has a side, harmful effect, i.e.
is also a poison. We take such poisons for years, wait for it to get easier, and gradually turn into ‘chronic patients’, dependent on medicines. That’s how we most often make the fatal mistake of shutting down our own internal healing mechanisms instead of activating them. In doing so, we completely forget that the human body has the ability to self-repair’.
The fact that man self-confidently considers himself the king of Nature, a great being, different from all others, creating miracles of technology and, at the same time, is often sick, suggests a very serious reflection. Man, cognizing the world around him, lags behind in cognizing his own structure, his essence and his place in Nature. The fruits of his influence on Nature are well known and the results are sad. And what is man’s attitude to himself? It turns out, the same as to Nature – simple, ‘royal’. Our illnesses are payback for such a negligent, illiterate attitude. Man, believing himself to be Nature’s great creature, coping with technology, creating his own comforts up to the Cosmos… Thus, knowing the world around him perfectly well, he at the same time lags behind ‘in the knowledge of his own structure, his essence and his place in this world’ (ibid.). Man’s attitude to himself is deplorable and that is why he is constantly ill and suffers. Disease is a punishment of a man for inattention, not caring for himself systematically, as needed.
Scientists have been working on these issues since ancient times. In ancient times man was closely connected with Nature and lived without suffering from diseases as animals do, he knew how to get rid of diseases himself. He knew how to get rid of illnesses himself. In those times there was no writing, everyone looked after themselves and their children, verbally asking each other how to be. The experiments of some, on how to cure ailments, were collated and the best experts emerged, what we now call healers.
After the advent of writing 5,000 years ago, came the Science and Philosophy of Yoga, which clearly outlines the human life from beginning to end, i.e. from birth to death, what one must do from birth to death, and what one should do to avoid illness and live happily ever after. From the extant treatises we learn that even then a system of curing diseases without the use of drugs.
Primitive people lived more than 100-150 and even 1000 years and actively worked till death. They had no retirement age. In ancient times man went to bed early and got up early too, at the same time in a calm state, because he did not take any irritating potion in the evening (like alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc.). Yoga rejects all this.
How does man live now? – He drinks wine, beer and vodka like water and his usual behavior is recklessness. For example, having sex in an intoxicated state. His passion drains his vitality. He does not know how to master his feelings. His main focus is entertainment. He goes to bed late and gets up very late, – sleeps a lot. All this shortens his vitality and weakens his body.
What is disease? – Disease eats the result of conditions for the cause. Cause + condition = disease. (C + C = D).
So, it is very easy to get rid of disease if you know its cause.
No cause + no condition = 0, i.e. health. (-C -C = H).
Any disease will disappear from the body if you remove the the ‘condition’ and the ‘cause’.
Here is the formula of disease:
D = C+ C.
And here is the formula for health:
H = – C + – C.
This is similar to the fact that there are bacteria and germs eating in the rubbish. When there is no rubbish in the rubbish room, it means there are no bacteria and germs that bring diseases. That’s something that everyone can understand, and …
It is a sacred duty for everyone to keep the body clean and in order, so that there is no rubbish (slag), bacteria and germs there.
The reasons that cause diseases are different: wind, cold, heat, dryness, overwork from BUT (wrong way of life), wrong diet, bad habits and vices. These are external causes. There are also internal causes: positive and negative experiences like sadness, longing, terror, anger, fear, anxiety, joy. Disease can occur after trauma, poisoning, etc.
In scientific terms, disease is seen as the result of harmful effects on the ‘defense forces of the organism’. If the DFO is strong enough, disease cannot develop, if it is weak, the disease develops superficially at first, gradually affecting the organism deeper and deeper, becoming chronic.
What is the opposing mechanism to destroy the disease? – The only sure way to get rid of any disease is RWL (right way of life). Everyone should learn and know what RWL really is.
The cause of disease should always be looked for in oneself and not on the side.
Everyone can get out of the state of ill-health, except for curious, skeptical, arrogant, proud, sly and mentally lazy people. Did you know that Laziness is the disease of Cancer of the Will?
The ultimate goal of Yoga is to educate and make man an independent, non-suffering being, i.e. a being with free Will. Those who do not believe in this discipline cannot succeed. With a strong desire, any person can get rid of his ailments without medication or outside help.
It should be noted that recovery can come immediately or after some time. It depends on the faith and diligence of the patient. Recovery comes through pleasant pain, with pleasant sensations.
So, the human organism is capable of self-recovery. This is known to all scientists of the East and West. For example, it is known that the mucous membrane of the stomach is renewed in 7 days, and blood – in 3 months. The cells of the body die and revive daily, more – less, up to the volume of one soup plate, depending on the healthy state of the body.
Let us analyse your character. Without being sly, think of yourself in this way. Have you cheated anyone even a little, harmlessly, stolen someone’s things, envied someone, even with ‘white’ envy, slandered or gossiped even a little?
Everyone has these small sins, more or less. The implication is that everyone is a sinner and looks at everyone else as if they are…..
In order to adopt our system of OWL during classes, one should to be avoided:
Influence whiners, do not listen to them.
No talking, no distractions.
Do not perform exercises mechanically, without meaning and purpose.
Do not overexert yourself. Exercise until you feel a feeling of slight fatigue.
Do not doze off.
Do not exercise when you are too tired or too hungry.
Do not be lazy and passive.
One must not be in a hurry to achieve success quickly.
Moderation and faith are the key to success in everything.
Exercise early in the morning every day, at the same time,
in a cheerful mood.
Set yourself up for total well-being and rejuvenation.
of the body.
Say in your mind and without a shadow of a doubt: ‘I’m healthy, I’m happy, I’m invincible, I’m invincible.
“I’m happy, I’m invincible, I’m all-powerful.
Always praise yourself for the successes you have achieved in OWL.
The goal of every sane person is to regain the lost health and youth, to realize the spiritual forces inherent in each person by Nature.
You can achieve this goal by gradually increasing the complexity of Yoga training. The time of training should not exceed 1 hour.
So, man is a self-governing, self-healing, independent, free, kind, noble, healthy, brave, strong, invulnerable being. He is the greatest being of all creatures in the world. By nature, man should be slender, flexible, strong at any age, efficient till death. These qualities are given only by the daily practice of Yoga.
Look at this 91-year-old man. He has all that is needed for a happy man and all the qualities of a young athletic man presents in him.
It is human nature to be alike you see in these pictures, it is inherent in everyone without exception. I give this quality to everyone who wishes to come to me or attend online classes, – says YOGISHWARANANDA, – your ev